Sunday afternoons at 2 PM
hosted by Gigi…featuring the novel "Clara Callan" authored by Richard B. Wright - repeated Wednesday evenings at 7 PM (PST)
Transmitting now!
with Phil Mossman from 9am to 11am Pacific Time, Monday—Friday.
Radio Seaport streams audio around the world… 24 hours a day via the Internet and your mobile phone. More shows on the way.
Sunday evenings at 7 PM
with Loran Fevens, featuring big band sounds and standards from the 30's, 40's and 50's
Photo by Darek Galon
Pygmalion – a tribute to Jean Gerome, one of Derek’s favourite old masters. Xevv McModel and Brandon Leudke – models, makeup/body paint by Aleta Eliasen, light consultant – Jon Hoadley.
Paintings by Brandon Leudke, LEUDKE CREATIVE, 2009
Acrylic on canvas
Brandon Leudke
Private Commission: Sequel Naturals, Vancouver, BC, Canada
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Just enough "loco" for friendly local radio.
Radio Seaport streams audio around the world… 24 hours a day via the Internet and your mobile phone. More shows on the way.